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hello new life, goodbye old one.on wednesday i'm going to start college (i will study virtual design). tomorrow i will move into my shared appartement. i already have my bed, couch and table set up there. that means no internet for the next few days :_Oi will get my pc over there on the next weekend. until then i will take a few pics of k-town i guess.
did this in photoshop. small effort but i like the outcome of it :_)source // Original Pic
autokratz new music video, i really like it. but i hate pigeons!their space site //

used this photo as the backround // by catharine amato
i first thought i accidently deleted my post but now it happend again and i didn't do anything. my post just disappeared and i know who it was IT WAS BLOGGER. those fuckers keep deleting posts whenever i link to a song. wtf i going on. ITS JUST A LINK BITCH. i think i leave to a better blog. TAKE THIS BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
// The Twelves - Episode II (38:02 Min.)Tracklisting01. Zeigeist - Humanitarianism (The Twelves Replay)02. Radiohead - Reckoner (The Twelves Replay)03. Mirwais - Naive Song04. Of Montreal - Gronlandic Edit05. David E. Sugar - To Yourself06. The Virgins - Rich Girls (The Twelves Replay)07. Daft Punk - Voyager08. Jupiter - CHIP09. Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal (The Twelves Replay)10. Metronomy - Heartbreaker11. The Twelves - Works for Me (The Twelves Replay)12. Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance (The Twelves Replay)source // BIGSTEREOif this mixtape is not enough, two more pretty sweet songsThe Twelves - When You Talk [RightClickSaveAs]The Twelves - Works For Me [zShare]
even though I don't believe the government said the truth about 9/11. I will forget that for a minute and remember the victims of september 11th.
(made in photoshop)Don't get in his way!!!
what the fuck? someone deleted a post in my blog. and i didn't even get a notification. fkrs!!!!!!!!!!! i bet it was youtube. i remember that they didn't let me post a rick astley video because it is property of rick astley. DAMN YOU RICK ASTLEY AND YOUTUBE!!! how the hell did they find my blog. fuckin conspiracies against me.
i need to rent an appartement but i can't find one!!! fkrs
(made in photoshop)Remember: Only a happy worker is a good worker :_)