Donnerstag, 20. November 2008

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

i like cubes + neon colors <3
myspace // passionpit

Donnerstag, 13. November 2008

Miami Horror - Don't Be On With Her

someone found a vhs tape from 83!! this got the be the best video / song EVER! cool dance moves, hot 80s hairstyles + girls. what do you want more? this retro style is very nice and it doesn't look like a pc edited filter version or something. it really feels like 80s! (even though i don't know what the 80s feel like!!)


myspace // miamihorror
PS: the ep bravado is coming out on novemeber 15th

Spider - Man: Web of Shadows

i have this game since the day it came out. and for the first times in years, i bought it! i still have some problems with the game, cause it has some really bad lags sometimes (it's because it's a conversion from the 360/ps3 version...a bad conversion). BUT i love this game. finally a good spiderman game. i am still at the beginning of the game because i am hoping that a new patch will come out soon.

here are some screens i took:

the dog in the back looks like mikki :_D

kari is also in the game!

this guy adheres to the building because of my sticky web

Donnerstag, 6. November 2008


all hail lord jebus
took me 3 hours too finish this picture